A lady shared an interesting story with me, she was 89 years old. She told the story of this young preacher boy in revival. The young man was dynamic in his delivery of Gods Word. But what she noticed more was the young man, he lived what he preached. On the third night of revival the young man asked this question: "How do you love God?" The young man then presented three points: 1) with all your heart, 2) with all your soul, 3) with all your mind. The young man ended the massage with this statement, "if you want to love God with your all, stand with great conviction." The lady immediately stood up, prompting the young preacher boy to ponder why, shes the most godly woman here he replied. The young man ask her why she stood so quickly, she replied: "I didn't realize God could use this old body anymore, I stood up quickly because this body doesn't have much time left." We don't need a new and improved stimulus for motivation, we need a new view on the motivation of life. Simple self improvement is narrow and temporal, we will become like the things we think about. We grow like we think, and when the inner life grows strong and healthy, it will shape the outward conduct of character of the body. Every thought drives an action, every action prompts a thought. The eye is a door into the mind, what you see, your mind records and stores. Maybe its time for a new view on how you love God, most believe they do but are unwilling to get to where they will. This new view develops a conviction of loving God, with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind. Regardless of how tough it gets, the new view of life stands up quickly and declares, inner beauty is revealed by removing the unwanted parts. What view do you have in loving God? New view is a lifestyle desired and pursued daily under the convictions of truth from Gods Word, not the word of the world. Get rid of the unwanted parts
Waiting around on the perfect situation induces a situational coma. The need to enforce commitment is required to prevent situational comas. If you heart isn't all in, and the need to make it happen isn't clear, you will never experience what it's like to be the real you. True commitment develops from within the person, not from positions or possessions. When your commitment defines itself within you, what you do compliments who you are and your greatest joy and pleasure is discovered. When you find joy and pleasure in being the real you, you will make it happen. The affirmation of a behavior that brings about the desired outcome rest upon two powerful precepts. First you must have method knowledge, knowing how to perform the correct skill to make it happen with clarity and demonstration. Second you must have manifest knowledge, knowing that how you perform the skill will be unquestionable and unreserved with absolute confidence in making it happen. Development of these two precepts greatly increases your power to change your situations, instead of your situations putting you in a coma. When the manifest knowledge, "knowing that" is soaked up and believed with a conscious attention to do what you know, the "know how" engages with power, passion, and purpose that will make it happen. Are you ready to make it happen? Your situation dares you to make it happen.
Quantity of motion of a moving body,"movement, moving power'. Isn't it amazing to watch how the momentum of a football game changes so quickly? The bowl games this year were absolutely awesome. Big hits, great catches, long runs, and one out of every two teams lost, or only half of the teams won. We can play on words to make things interesting, much like the sports analyst or commentators do before and during games. Everyone likes to jump on ole "MO", no one can sit there and watch a 90 yard kick-off return without getting pumped up or deflated. Momentum is not some magical power that shows up at will, momentum shows up for those who are willing to keep pressing toward the goal. Whether in sports or in life, momentum arrives when the "I refuse to give in" attitude keeps reaching higher and grabbing more regardless of the circumstances. Have you noticed when the guy with the ball takes off, how everybody seems to be attracted to him? There is a purpose behind that attraction, tackle the man with the ball. I once carried the ball (sin), God tackled me and I fumbled the ball (sin). There is a great purpose in Gods attraction for you, He loves you and desires to remove the sin that dooms one hell. When the prodigal son returned home, momentum took over in the father, he ran to his son. During this time, people with dignity and wealth would never run in public, if something was urgent they would send a servant to tend to the task. My life was not only urgent, but important to God, He created it for His purpose. The story just wouldn't have the impact had the son ran to the father, ever thought about that? Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion. Philippians 2:5-8 We have a God that ran to us, now it's time we run to God. In pursuit of the King in two thousand fourteen.
January 2017
CategoriesSome situations are not meant for you to change, but the situations are meant to change YOU for the better! |