Living in this fast track digital world, often distracts us from our sense of direction. No fault of technology, it's a simple choice that carries powerful consequences. Multitasking has become the norm for many, and has lead many to drown in a problem-solving mentality, neglecting the priorities that would prevent many problems. Many are ignorant of their loss of direction, consumed by the details of life, and forgetting the direction of life. Don't lose your direction in life, many may be lost forever. You are a leader, people are following you. Stay focused on the primary responsibilities of your life, devote yourself to your primary calling in life. Remain calm, keep focus, don't stress, stay within your limitations, and live in the right direction. Confidence and sense of direction creates great leaders and teachers. Don't be distracted, your life can be of great help for many.
It's tragic to believe that there's no purpose for certain events that take place during your life. The thought of ones self having the power to deem events right or wrong is a selfish one. Do you think you would ever deem those painful and tough events right for you? Would you ever determine a time in life when they would be welcomed and accepted? No one is standing on the mountain top screaming for trails and tough times to come their way. There's a lot we can participate in now a days. Most pick and choose what they feel will make them happy. Most base decisions on emotional satisfaction, not character value. Every thought, every choice, every decision, every response, and every act is an opportunity to participate in building relationships that create an environment that welcomes growth. So here's the challenge. Are all the things you're participating in building relationships that create an environment that welcomes growth and encouragement? Life is full of amazing opportunities, they all require obedience, sacrifice, patience, and committed effort. Don't miss them, they arrive every day, encouraging you to participate
What's your life constructing? Or are you just a discouraging spectator? When making a decision, any decision, its wise to always consider the source of each option being entertained. Who and where do you collect information from? The source of information is a life and death matter, treat it as such. From the source we develop goals, goals determine motives, and motives empower our actions and behavior. There's no law or rules that say it's wrong to hang out with people and have some fun. But the character of the people (source) makes a huge difference. Hanging out with people that have fun helping a home bound person with house repairs and clean up because they want to, is a good source. Hanging out with people that have fun robbing and stealing from a home bound person, not a good source.
You wouldn't accept an invitation to stroll through the woods and set up camp from a starving lion, would you? Ask a great white shark if it's safe to swim? May sound silly, but many never consider the source they base decisions on. |
January 2017
CategoriesSome situations are not meant for you to change, but the situations are meant to change YOU for the better! |