"Beyond Words" Just because someone celebrates Christmas doesn't mean they understand what CHRISTMAS really means. This year go beyond words, don't just celebrate a day set aside, celebrate the Savior who died and is alive for evermore. Look for ways to help others see beyond words, to see the real reason for celebrating CHRISTMAS. Be creative and sincere, love and laugh, give and assist. Realize those who feel rejected and out of place, those who feel worthless and undone, those who don't fit in, and those who are not like us, they need to know CHRISTMAS is for them. CHRISTMAS is for everyone, the message of Gods grace reaches beyond words. Show people CHRISTMAS this year, show them Jesus because of who you are, not just what you do on one day a year. A smile, a hug, some tears, and lots of unconditional love. Joy, happiness, and forgiveness. These go beyond words, will you reach out and show the celebration of CHRISTMAS this year? Will you restore that relationship, that friendship, will you restore your faith in Christ, or maybe start your faith in Christ? This can be a CHRISTMAS beyond words, if you want it to be. "The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all the people. When the angels left them and went back to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem. Let’s see this thing that has happened which the Lord has told us about.” (Luke 2:10, 15 NCV)" Let the world see who we celebrate because of CHRISTMAS!
There's a ton of bad things that are very deceptive in appearance and many situations that seem easier to go with the worse than it is to follow the better course. If a young man doesn't master the art of saying no because of his fear of God, there is much ruin that shall come his way. Ones own ideas and judgment of self is like a ship set sail without compass or rudder. It's very inadequate for one to try and regulate their own life under their own power. Having a nice watch in our pocket is of no effect if never looked upon, and if never set with the correct time, it becomes a nice conversation piece at best. Many are living with a warped conscience, they have bribed themselves into the captains chair of life, into the ship-masters headquarters. There is only one guide, one road map that is capable of impacting the wide diversities of character, age, circumstances, and cultural barriers. There is only one standard of perfection that is an all-sufficient pattern for every life. This guide, this standard, this pattern of life, is the Word of God. When's the last time you sat down at the end of the day and measured your thoughts and actions by the standard of Gods Word? I encourage you this morning, take your life and place it along side of the Great Life of Gods Son within Gods Word. This is the only place you will ever find the standard by which to pattern your lives; "according to Thy Word." The art of saying no to the broad roads, says yes to the narrow. The art of saying no to self pleasure, is saying yes to self-denial. The art of saying no is developed from Gods Word, it creates a single minded pursuit of One, it banks Gods Word in the vault of the heart not the brain. "How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word. I’m single-minded in pursuit of you; don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted. I’ve banked your promises in the vault of my heart so I won’t sin myself bankrupt. Be blessed, GOD; train me in your ways of wise living. I’ll transfer to my lips all the counsel that comes from your mouth; I delight far more in what you tell me about living than in gathering a pile of riches. I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you, I attentively watch how you’ve done it. I relish everything you’ve told me of life, I won’t forget a word of it. (Psalm 119:9-16 MSG)" How shall the young, old, or somewhere in between live a pure life? Seriously take heed to Gods Word, it's the only way! Develop the person God created and that person will accomplish great things.
Gods Word is always relevant to life, the big question remains the same. Will you be "willing" and "ready" to believe, and apply Gods truth to "your" life? This past week I heard several people mention those who knew a ton of scripture but lived like the world. Application of Gods Word is grossly neglected in many lives today. To many base their bible study on their interpretation of what Gods Word says and what Gods Word means. Bible study is more than stopping here, more than ending the conversation based on personal interpretation. When one gains understanding of what Gods Word says to them, and what Gods Word means to them, the life changing choice of applying it to ones life is before them. Someone has said that "Interpretation without application is abortion." Thats a very strong statement of truth. To grow as a Christian one must apply Gods Word with their heart, not their head. Gods Word teaches life, Gods Word shows us the true right of all things. Gods Word shows us where we are wrong (reproof), Gods Word shows us how to get it right (correction), and Gods Word trains us in righteousness so we develop the discipline to live right. Application becomes real when you are convicted of a truth and you respond by faith with obedience. Gods Word is more than a bunch of information to talk about or pass along, Gods Word is for big time transformation. "You carefully study the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. They do in fact tell about me, but you refuse to come to me to have that life. (John 5:39-40 NCV)" "And this is eternal life: that people know you, the only true God, and that they know Jesus Christ, the One you sent. (John 17:3 NCV)" Be responsible with your application of Gods Word. "Truth Inside" To think what you think without influence of environment or appearances is to think the truth within your mind. Our mind often falls prey to the external influence of untruths while the internal truths fight for attention. To think and process internal truth regardless of the environment and appearances takes a tremendous amount of personal labor, and also requires the expenditure of more heart, mind, and physical energy than any other task you'll ever tackle. Most, often forget the mind can save you from being physically drained or worn out. This saying can be true, if we want it to be: "let the brain control work, not work control the brain." As I read and study the life of Christ, it's more vivid today than ever before, the mind of Christ was absolutely in control of every thought, word, and action. Are we learning anything as we read and study Gods Word? Have we allowed the external to overtake the truth inside? To be Christ-like is to learn and repeat His life, what are we thinking? Are we reading and learning about Christ? Have we become so dependent on appearances and environment, that we can't think the truth in our mind? If you're thinking is dictated by the external and appearances, how will you ever find or know the truth? "So prepare your minds for service and have self-control. All your hope should be for the gift of grace that will be yours when Jesus Christ is shown to you. (1 Peter 1:13 NCV)" "“Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who has been able to teach him?” But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16 NCV)" True or False? |
January 2017
CategoriesSome situations are not meant for you to change, but the situations are meant to change YOU for the better! |