"Thankful Now" No better time than now to be thankful. So many are waiting for their boat to come in or for a bigger and better opportunity. We can experience but we cannot predict or control the events that happen in every day life. We should learn to recognize between those things we can control and those we cannot. Once these are recognized, we can focus on meaningful and thankful times instead of wasting time trying to control what we cannot. Today is an awesome day to make a new start, a new commitment, to always be thankful now. There is never a better time than the present to step up and step out in faith and stop talking about what you might do. Don't wait for perfect conditions, they'll never come. It's true that some days seem better than others, and sometime things just don't seem well at all. But today is today, what else do you have? Take a risk and be super thankful now, for today, for faith, for family, for food, for fun, and for freedom. Stop waiting till the time is right, the perfect time is now, it begins today, it begins now. It's time to serve, time to witness, and it's time to be thankful, NOW! Take a risk, be diligent in being thankful always. "If clouds are full of rain, they will shower on the earth. A tree can fall to the north or south, but it will stay where it falls. Those who wait for perfect weather will never plant seeds; those who look at every cloud will never harvest crops. Plant early in the morning, and work until evening, because you don’t know if this or that will succeed. They might both do well. (Ecclesiastes 11:3-4, 6 NCV)" Let this Thanksgiving be a launch pad for everyday thankfulness!
January 2017
CategoriesSome situations are not meant for you to change, but the situations are meant to change YOU for the better! |