Every choice counts, so prepare to decide quickly and make the greatest choice possible! Delaying the decision will bring procrastination and clutter the mind from thinking clearly. Your desire in applying truth known and decided on, will give high energy in the confidence of your decision. Your commitment in developing a quick and highly confident decision will lead you to a powerful freedom to live without getting weighed down by the past or future. Your resolve to never give up, give in, or procrastinate about your decision making responsibility, will sustain your focus and clarity. Most importantly, realizing the truth of making decided choices quickly, separates the freedom of life from the prison of death.
Each morning I must challenging myself to decide now, so I'll decide quickly on decisions for the greatest results, regardless of opposition or pain. It's the evidence of quickly decided choices that makes our confident peace and freedom undeniable. Making decided choices frees us up to enjoy living in the present and not fearing the past or the future.
Victorious people decide quickly and their thought process changes slowly. Bound up people decide slowly and their thought process changes quickly.
Will you choose to decide now?