"Don't be upset" If you plant a certain thought in your mind, don't be upset when that thought produces it's product. Many people will get so upset when things happen, yet that's what they had in their mind but didn't realize it could really happen. There's no way you can hide your true thoughts and motives, they will eventually produce there products. If you work hard but really not your hardest, then don't be upset when the results equal what you planted, how hard you really worked. Don't be upset over the way people treat you, they're treating you the way you've treated them. Don't be upset when people don't help, have you helped people. Don't be upset over the way life is treating you, life treats you the way you treat life. If you don't feel loved check and see if you are planting love. If you sense people are always avoiding you, check and see what you're planting. If you feel down and out, go help someone that's down and out. If you feel angry, go help someone that's angry. If you want real friends, go be a real friend. If you want real love, go give real love. If you want an awesome life, go give away an awesome life. Nothing grows and produces it's product until it's planted. Don't be upset when you harvest and it's not what you expected, it's exactly what you planted! Guard your heart and mind, all of life and what life produces come from them.
"Do not be fooled: You cannot cheat God. People harvest only what they plant. We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time if we do not give up. When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers. (Galatians 6:7, 9-10)