If our thoughts influence our decisions, what choice of decision will the world see from your life today? What if you said good-bye to excuses and hello to responsibility? What if today you made a choice to decide, "I will say yes to the ability to live responsible." No more dwelling on the past, no more "It's not my fault", no more "but my kids, but my spouse, but my church, but the government." Get off your "but" excuses and rise up to an opportunity of responsibility to unwrap a gift called "challenges to change." Stop being near sighted, it's not about whether the economy is good or bad, it's not about the problems that may come your way, it's about you having a choice to make. Say yes to responsibility, leave the blame game in the dust, drown the pity party of complaining, delete the words "I didn't get a fair shot", and bury the "I'm feeling sorry for myself attitude." The responsible choice takes on challenges because of the change they bring, a change from limits to possibilities. A change from ordinary to adventurous. A change from troubled relationships to transformed relationships. If you say yes to responsibility, what use to scare you will now attract you. Are you ready to say "YES"? Don't wait for your circumstances to change, begin to change your circumstances, or at bear minimum, change the way you look at them. Albert Einstein once quoted, "The problem cannot be solved by the same consciousness that created it." Have you ever heard the way a man thinks determines who he will be? Make the choice, live the "YES"! Merry Christmas to all
January 2017
CategoriesSome situations are not meant for you to change, but the situations are meant to change YOU for the better! |