Being so focused on the results, prevents you from developing to your highest potential. Listening to others over your heart, will place pressure on the way you live and perform. Whether the results are good or bad, it's not the top of the mountain or the end of the world. Being able to place less significance on results, lowers the pressure you place on yourself. The less pressure you place on yourself, the more focus you place on the process, and the greater the purpose you'll find in the present. Let go of trying to produce results, and start trusting the process of letting the results happen. Unpack the over analyzing thoughts of results. Avoid packing in to much "my" performance information, allow yourself to be flexible with situations that seem to have high demands. You possess the power to unpack useless thoughts, take control of the process, don't let pressure push you away from your dreams. Let the pressure of the process push you closer to the purpose of your dreams. Take nothing personal attitude allows you to believe in the process, set goals and let the process make you the best you can be.
There's never a time in life when you can't get better.
Where's your focus today, process or performance?
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