The way we communicated 15 years ago seems to have vanished in mid-air, literally. The day of the smart phone and Internet doesn't seem to be going any where except up and out. People overemphasize productivity, and measure their activity of success by the task completed. The term workaholic ring a bell? The lack of talking to people in person, seeing their eyes and reactions, begins to isolate from the real world, and real people. People who rely on smart phone communication or Internet social time, usually suffer lonliness, have trouble in close relationships if they have any, and have low energy physically and mentally. Motivation and boredom seem to be a constant battle, and they can't wait until the end of the work week. The old sayings; "Thank God It's Friday", and "Thank God It's Over For Another Week", are common sayings. Spending time with real people and talking about real life makes for a better and more enjoyable life. People think it's opposite, if you avoid people you avoid conflict and problems. Conflict builds strength to overcome problems, avoid conflict and get beat up with problems.
"When the eyes say one thing and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Take time to unpack some real communication with real people, you'll feel more alive than ever!