When you experience an event in life, what shift in perspective takes place? Do you base your perspective on whether the event will bring reward or punishment, gain or loss, attention or rejection? Do you hold the perspective that events must be positive for them to grab your attention and learn the behavior necessary to grow? Do you hold the perspective that you should avoid those events that don't grab your attention? Events are events, whether they are good or bad, what you like or dislike, positive or negative, every event that happens has purpose. Perspective learning accepts events as an instructor pointing towards new discoveries and new opportunities to apply developing talent and abilities, and to enhance a shift in personal perspective. Ask yourself these questions: How do I see myself? How do I hear myself? How do I treat myself? Do I believe in myself? Do I understand myself? Why ask these questions, learning to have a better understanding of yourself shifts your perspective of learning. This perspective shifts the direction and motive of your behavior and attitude. Those who are unwilling to open up to new solutions and ideas, those who reject the perspective learning principle and hand select the events they want to learn from, will repeat the previous pattern of unwanted circumstances over and over again. Perspective learning enables growth, if your not learning your not growing, if your not growing you'll never be very effective in helping others or yourself. Try and apply this process: Find something interesting and attractive in every event. Retain and rehearse those things that are interesting and attractive. Reproduce and reinforce those things that interesting and attractive. Respond and reward yourself on growing from all experiences. Perspective learning empowers us to be a whole person, just what God intended when He breathed life in us.
What shift in perspective are you learning
What shift in perspective are you learning