Make your mind up today, don't wait for a situation that will make you doubt your own decision. There is a huge difference with a direct experience compared to an indirect. You can learn all you want about something or someone, but until you have a direct experience in what you've learned or who you've learned about, the relationship between your attitude and behavior is less than affective. Learning about or experiencing, what's your resolve? Here is a process to think on. Increase knowledge of, evaluate right response, display confidence in ability, engage with committed behavior, and accept responsibility. Your commitment to responsibility is generated by what you value most, and your attitude which is sustained through your belief system. I like to call this, behavior organized by belief. Our value system is influenced heavily by family, friends, co-workers, and how we believe. How much we know someone will determine our attitude towards and belief in them when something happens, whether good or bad. Old habits that have no purpose form a strong barrier that prevents a more productive life. Resolve to unpack some old habits that are holding you down. Experiencing life is way more affective than being full of knowledge about life.
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January 2017
CategoriesSome situations are not meant for you to change, but the situations are meant to change YOU for the better! |