It's wrong when we allow ourselves to be choked by things or people that's out of our control, but it's totally unacceptable when we choke ourselves. I'm referring to anxiety when using the word "choke". It's a choice to allow things and others to choke us out, you can sit back and allow life to slowly end, or you can remove yourself from the grasp of things and others that you cannot control. But if you leave the grasp of things and others to go home and choke yourself, what have you accomplished? We all need a certain amount of healthy anxiety (realistic concern), but we must not allow real concern to get out of control and become unhealthy anxiety (worry). So how can we avoid being choked by things or others, how can we stop choking ourselves? The people you're around most will give the best answers.
1- Determine to be yourself, stay within your limits and be confident controlling what you can control.
2- Realize you control your thoughts and actions, drop the name it-blame it, your choices got you to where you are, if you don't like it, make a responsible choice.
3- Slow down, relax, rest, and remember to care for yourself, keep your hands from around your throat.
4- Live one day at a time, one moment at a time if need be, over 90% of things that make us anxious, never happen.
5- Go help someone, get your hands from around your throat and use them for something good.
6- Stop putting things off (procrastination), do it while you're able.
7- Set time limits on unhealthy anxiety (worry), if it's uncontrollable and you can't change it, don't allow it to steal away your life.
Be confident and in control of everything within your control.
"I will not ponder this issue at the present time, I refuse the unhealthy anxiety it brings. I will consider this issue at a later time, but not at this moment."
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