One sure way to unpack a lot of junk from your thoughts and actions, make sure you focus on the value within. Don't base the value of people or circumstances just on external views or impact. When you think right, you'll see that we've all learned greater things from our pain than we've every learned from our pleasures. Stop looking at the surface only and look within. Your perspective on life will begin to change, your attitude towards others and circumstances will become positive instead of negative. By looking within the friendship, you value who they are over what they can do for you. By looking within the circumstances, you value what the circumstance will teach you over how it affects you. By looking within yourself, you value who you are becoming over what you're doing and getting. By looking within people and circumstances, you'll learn to grow apart from those who don't desire to grow at all, because you know if you're not growing you'll die early.
You don't have to adapt to the overpacked sick way of society, it's not healthy. Unpack so you can see the value within.